March 7, 2024

Legal Separation Attorney in Tustin, CA

Tustin Legal Separation Attorney 

Unlike a divorce, a legal separation does not mean the end of your marriage; it just means that you and your husband or wife decide to live independent lives while remaining legally married.

The intent of a legal separation is to work out an agreement and/or court order, for things like the division of your assets, child custody, visitation, and support. This court order aims to protect your interests until you make up, file for divorce, or the death of either party.

A legal separation is not a necessary step in obtaining a divorce. Nevertheless, if the decision to divorce is made down the road a judge might determine that since you were satisfied with your legal separation agreement, the same arrangement should carry over to the divorce settlement agreement. It is because of this you will want to consult with an experienced family law attorney.

Reasons for Filing for Legal Separation:

  • It allows partners time apart, away from the conflict of the marriage to determine if divorce is what they actually want.
  • It may allow for the retention of medical benefits and certain other benefits that divorce would bring to an end.
  • If your religious beliefs conflict with the idea of divorce, you have the ability to live separately and maintain your marital status.
  • If you are a military spouse, you may wish to stay married for 10 years so that you can take advantage of the benefits established by the Uniformed Services Former Spouse Protection Act.
  • Remaining married for 10 years or more also means being able to take advantage of certain social security benefits for a spouse.

Contact a Tustin Legal Seperation Attorney

Facing issues like a legal separation and potential divorce can be difficult. You should consult with a divorce attorney at Thomas K. McKnight to help you through this challenging time in your life. If you are thinking about a legal separation, contact our law firm to assess the special details of your case. Our legal separation attorneys can help guide you through the whole process. If you need more information regarding legal separation or divorce, call our law firm at 1-800-466-7507 for a confidential consultation.

For more information about a Legal Separation Attorney in Tustin, California, contact Thomas K. McKnight LLP at (800) 466-7507 or visit our website at TKMLLP.Com for a free consultation! 

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